

Pembroke Property Management is responsible for the repair and maintenance of the exterior of the building, the repair, maintenance and cleaning of the internal and external communal areas, and the shared tenant services in the building. For example, they are responsible for cleaning the entrance hall and the maintenance of the lift.

If something is broken, has been damaged or is possibly dangerous, for example, exposed wiring, then please get in touch with them directly on

0333 3442 100 and/or

Property managers have a role to play in disputes between neighbours. For example, with anti-social behaviour or as was the case some years ago when the cark park allocation was confused and caused considerable neighbourly tension.

Their job is not easy as they often sit between the tenants and subcontractors that they have contracted with to provide services. Sometimes things can be frustrating. Generally, Pembroke are much, much better than the previous property management firm and their people are pretty good at responding in a prompt and constructive way.

Pembroke’s local address is:

South East Office (HQ):
Foundation House, Coach and Horses Passage, Tunbridge Wells, Kent, TN2 5NP

Their main office is:

London Bridge Office: 8 St Thomas Street, London, SE1 9RR
If you are unsure about whether to call Pembroke or have been in touch with them but are not happy with their response then please do get in touch with us.

Estates and Management Ltd

You should not have any cause to be in touch with E&M nor they with you. If for some reason you do receive anything from them then please do let us know as soon as possible.